Instant City Reloaded is a project shared by the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and today’s incarnation of Cabaret Voltaire, the birthplace of Dada in Zurich, in collaboration with Central Saint Martins. It is adapted from a concept by Archigram, the experimental architecture group from London active in the 1960s and 1970s, sought to bring together in art disparate parts of society by means of provisional performance spaces. A large delegation from Zurich will infiltrate London with their inflatable “Dada tent” for three days. Reconvening on the fourth day at the Central Saint Martins at King’s Cross, they will conduct an orgiastic 12-hour event-marathon where artists, lecturers, poets and performers from all over the world, and ZHdK teachers and students, will trade metaphorical as well as physical – possibly even bloody! – blows inside a very real boxing ring.
The event-marathon forms tribute to the proto-Dadaist, pugilist and poet Arthur Cravan. His parents were British, his language was French, his passport was Swiss. He was the self-proclaimed nephew of Oscar Wilde and he believed passionately that art was not just a matter of the mind, but also of heart and guts.
Follow @zurichmeets and get the latest news about Instant City Reloaded and the Dada infiltration sites and happenings! #InstantCityReloaded
Prof. Hartmut Wickert, Head of Department Performing Arts and Film ZHdK
Hayat Erdoğan, Curator & Dramaturg, Lecturer Master Theatre ZHdK
Adrian Notz, Director & Curator Cabaret Voltaire
Kevin Rittberger, Dramatist & Theatre Director
Stefan Burger, Artist
Jessica Goes & Rafael Ablada, Performance Artists
Yes Men (Mike Bonanno, Sean Devlin), Creative Activists
Maria Gioffré, Artist
Rosemary Cronin and Ring Girls, Artists
Michael Simon, Stage Designer & Theatre Director, Lecturer Master Theatre ZHdK
Nicholas Mortimer, Design Artist
Ian Hunter, Director, Curator of Merz Barn
Stephen Hodge, Artist, Professor in Live Art & Spatial Practice, University of Exter
Daniel Oliver, Performance Artist, Researcher and teaching fellow at Queen Mary University of London
Gavin Ambrose, Lecturer Graphic Design and students from the Faculty of Arts, University of Brighton
Jeremy Radvan, Lecturer Illustration and students from the School of Art, Design and Media, University of Brighton
Rosalie Schweiker, Artist
Ana Berkenhoff, Performance Artist
Michael St. Mark, Artist, London Dada
Students Zurich University of the Arts from the Master of Arts in Theatre, Fine Arts & Transdiciplinary
Students Central Saint Martins from Performance Design and Practice, Fine Arts, Moving Image, Art and Science
And many more